I am using SimplePie to Parse an RSS feed, and I am getting the following output:
Don't forget our "Spot It, Post It" .....
My code is:
<?phpheader('Content-type:text/html; charset=utf-8');require_once('rss/simplepie.inc');// We'll process this feed with all of the default options.$feed = new SimplePie();// Set which feed to process.$feed->set_feed_url('FeedURL');$feed->enable_cache(true); $feed->set_cache_duration(3600); $feed->set_cache_location('cache');$feed->init(); $feed->handle_content_type(); ?>
I'm using HTML5 Doctype AND I also have: <meta charset="charset=utf-8">
I've looked it up and everything talks about changing the charset to UTF-8 which I clearly have.. so I'm not too sure what else is causing this.
Any ideas?